Thursday, December 29, 2011

I know you are all getting sick of Christmas posts buuuuuuuut.....

I know you are all getting sick of Christmas posts buuuuuuut...... last night I tried to explain to Maddie that I would soon have to take down the Christmas trees and she burst into tears! So I thought I would share with you one last Christmas post. 

"Look hands!"   No the gingerbread house did not make it to Christmas Day...

On Christmas Eve the girls and I baked some cookies to put out for Santa when he came down the fireplace. (I apologize in advance for the poor quality of these pictures, but it was Christmas Eve and I was too exhausted to set up the tripod.) Maddie carefully transported the glass of milk for Santa all the way from the kitchen to the family room.

And here are the girls before we left for Gigi's house on Christmas Day...

And Maddie using some of her new Christmas gifts...

My mother gave Maddie a beautiful vanity desk for her room that she repainted and put new nobs on. Also, the day after Christmas we switched her crib into the toddler daybed. These two things have inspired me to do a little room make over for her...I am just in the brainstorming phase right now. Trying to find the perfect paint color. More on that later.

1 comment:

  1. The girls look gorgeous! My Sarah hates taking down the tree also!
